1YRSNanjing Grant Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Nanjing Grant Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 2021. It has a national high-tech enterprise, a key Chinese mold enterprise, a national intellectual property demonstration enterprise, a Jiangsu Province certified enterprise technology center, a Jiangsu Province certified industrial design center, and a Jiangsu Province certified specialty honors and recognitions such as Special New Enterprise and Jiangsu Province Innovative Enterprise Pilot company.As one of the professional manufacturers in China that develops and produces CNC bending machine molds, mechanical compensation workbenches, stamping equipment accessories, and cutting blades, it has presided over the drafting of 3 industry standards, participated in the drafting of 3 industry standards, and presided over the drafting of 2 group standards and 7 corporate standards. With the help of a series of measures and means such as product innovation and technological transformation, the industrial implementation of corporate innovation achievements has been promoted.As a private technology enterprise that keeps pace with the times, Grant Company will add new vitality to the innovative development of the blade mold and stamping equipment industry in our province and even China with its new business structure and high-quality product output.
  • Transacties
Fabrikant, Handelsbedrijf
Land / regio
Jiangsu, China
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